Hi all! Just been crazy with all the boys home (typical summer, I guess!) but I did have some things to share with you! A few weeks ago, my son (who honestly still seems like he should only be about 4!) ;) had his elementary school Continuation ceremony. We live in a small town with an *amazing* PTO and a super active community involvement. So, to say Continuation is a big deal might be a bit of an understatement! We didn't go as "big" as many parents chose to go, but Ian wanted a suit, and I essentially wept for 2 days! During the ceremony, they flash a "then and now" slide of each kid on the big screen. Here's the baby pic I sent in of Ian for that, isn't he just the cutest little peanut? He was the sweetest baby.... I can't believe he's 12 and he'll be at middle school in the Fall.

Anyway, as with any celebration around here, some crafty goodness works its way in. I made part of his gift, a medals board to hold all his race medals. I've seen these on etsy for around 30$. Mine cost the price of a pack of cup hooks since I already had paint, vinyl, and a board. ;) I personalized it with his name. :)
I made him a super quick card.... I'm not honestly thrilled with it, but burgundy and gold are the school colors and I was running very late by the point I sat down to make it. It's ok, but just not my favorite card.
I also decided to try my hand at fancy cookies a'la one of
my fave Pinterest Boards. I just LOVE gorgeous cookies! Mine turned out pretty cute, but I'm definitely an amateur! ;) Making the royal icing was a huge pain-in-the-tushie, and the "burgundy" color I got to tint the icing turned out more pink than burgundy, as well as making a huge mess! LOL, let's just say I won't be giving up paper crafting for baking anytime soon! That will remain solely a hobby, ha! ;)
Here's a few pics of me and my handsome boy.... I am wearing heels in this pic, and it really won't be long before he is taller than me. As a side note, I didn't realize this dress makes me look pregnant, and will probably be getting rid of it after seeing this! ;) A photo is worth a thousand words, right? LOL
and that is all for me, sorry for these LONG absences, I'll be around when I can be! Miss you blog friends! :)
xo, Noelle