Monday, November 28, 2011

Mixed Media Let it Snow sign

Hi there! I don't have much time to type today, so I'm gonna be speedy. This project was born of necessity! Well, the necessity for me to have proper visual aesthetics in my house that is.... I know, crazy designer girl. I had this little display goin' on in my house:
Now, everything's cute, and the scale is good here, but that little snowman trio in the back left hand corner doesn't quite "gel" with the other items. The style of it is more country not vintage like the rest. It's going to find a new home, by some more countrified winter decor & here's what I made to go in it's place:
I had considered hitting up Gordmans or TJ Maxx looking for just the right thing to go in that corner, but who needs to spend money when you have all the goodies on hand to make just the perfect thing in the perfect size that you will love? :)
Heres  quickie tutorial on how I made this...

1. start with a 12" canvas. I used a metallic stamping marker (very similar to a paint pen)to color all the outside edges gold, but you could always use acrylic paint instead.
2. Decoupage music sheet scrapbook paper to front of canvas using Mod Podge. While still slightly tacky, lay a laser cut snowflake scrapbook paper on top of the music sheet. Spray liberally with brown metallic spray ink. Move sheet around and spray heavier in spots to make some snowflakes "pop." 3.Remove laser cut paper and use a blow dryer to surface dry the canvas. This will give a crackly finish where the spray is heavy.
4. find large die cut letters (or cut your own s, n, and w). Stamp lightly with a snowflake stamp and sponge brown ink onto all edges. Adhere to canvas with glue dot's leaving room for snowflake "o." 
5. Using gel glue and glass glitter completely coat a chipboard snowflake with glitter. Let dry overnight.
Color another chipboard snowflake with metallic pens in gold and silver. Accentuate center of flake with a wood snowflake and blingy sticker.
6. Adhere both snowflakes to canvas with glue. Let dry. 

And that's all for me today! I am rushing, but will come back soon and add a supply list. One of the great things about this project was that everything used to make it was 2-3 years old except for the canvas I bought a few months ago. I hope you like my sign as much as I do. Some more detail shots are below. :)

Hugs!! :) Noelle


  1. awesome awesome canvas... and your decorations are just so sweet... I bet your kids love it all...

  2. That is a cool project, I can see all the fun you had creating this beauty!!!

  3. That sign is seriously gorgeous, Noelle! You are so amazingly creative! Big hugs! :)


Your comments make my day! :) I've found it's easiest for me to return comments 1-2 times per week, so it might be a few days, but I WILL get over to your blogs and see what awesome things you've been up to. Thanks SO MUCH for popping by, blog friends!